Inner West Group Reformer Classes

We’re breaking away from the industry model and keeping our group reformer classes small.
Small means we’ll know your name and if you attend regularly we’ll get to know your body.
It means your teacher can provide detailed instruction and have time for hands on assistance (if you want it).
Small classes are easier to manage safely, and mean we don’t leave anyone behind.

How our classes might feel different
Our classes aren’t ‘fitness classes’ on a reformer. They’re not about working as hard as possible for the whole class- they’re also not about fancy tricks and making shapes.
Instead you’ll be guided through classes that move your whole body in a measured and sustainable way. You’ll reach, stretch, push, pull, bend, breathe, press, decompress, center, and twist your way towards improved mobility, strength, control, balance and coordination.

Feet in the straps on the reformer



Great if you...
Feel capable/ comfortable on the reformer already
Enjoy more intricate repertoire
Are comfortable moving at a quicker pace
Want to build on your endurance and agility

Not for...
• Low bone density/osteopenia, osteoporosis
• Pregnancy in 2nd/3rd Trimester
• Anyone who's given birth in the last 6 months

Great if you...
Want to work hard but also feel supported on the reformer
Like a combination of strength work and core control
Like detailed instruction and steady pace
Haven't done group reformer before

Not for...
• Pregnancy in 2nd/3rd Trimester 
• Anyone who has given birth in last 6 months

Great if you…
Are feeling adventurous and happy to go with the teachers flow.
Explore your teachers creativity and expect a class packed full of fun sequences and challenges you didn’t see coming.

Who can join?
• Advanced movers only
• Must have ahigh level of confidence working on the reformer

Great if you…
Are low on energy but still want to move your body?
Think oozy stretches, flowing sequences with low springs, lots of soft tissue release and a focus on breath.
Perfect for moving with fatigue, stress or while on your period.  

Not for...
• Low bone density/osteopenia, osteoporosis
• Pregnancy in 2nd/3rd Trimester

PRENATAL Bump to Birth
Group reformer classes for women at any stage of pregnancy who want to maintain fitness, promote mobility and strength, and feel supported and guided through their pregnancy experience. In particular these classes focus on preparing the body for birth AND for the postpartum recovery.

Read prenatal class requirements.

POSTNATAL Return to Exercise
There's no talk of 'bouncing back' or a 'pre-baby body' guarantee. These group reformer classes offer a gradual and respectful return to exercise for new mums who are adapting to the *endless* physical demands of motherhood.
AND you can bring you little one with you!

Read postnatal class requirements.