Shoulder, Neck and Spine release

If you’re new to motherhood then the chances are you’re feeling little tight and sore in your upper back and shoulders…Motherhood is hard work and we hear from Inner West Mums all the time that they never expected such a high level of physicality from caring from a newborn: from negotiating yourself out of the depths of the sofa with bub in arms, to transferring your little one from pram to car seat, not to mention the postnatal back pain from all of the lifting, and night time rocking.

It’s nearing the end of World Breastfeeding Week, so we thought we’d bring you a few ways to bring a little more 3-dimensional movement into your shoulders, neck and spine on a daily basis and help balance out all the labours of motherhood. The series of exercises shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes. It’s not much- but if you do the sequence a couple of times a day after feeding, then you’re creating a habit that can be built on over time- and we all know habits are the key to staying active, stong and mobile. (If you just KNOW that you need something more structured and guided, then check out our postnatal small group reformer classes.)

Shoulder Rolls

  • Inhale: Roll both shoulders up to your ears.
    Exhale: Roll them back & down again. Repeat x10.

  • Tip your head to one side & do the shoulder rolls on the opposite side. Repeat x 10 each side.

This one can be done just about anywhere and is best done with nice long slow breaths.


  • Sitting crosslegged on the floor, reach both arms out wide: Place one hand on the floor & reach the other hand overhead, creating a side stretch.

  • Stay and breathe here for a moment and then tip over to the other side. Repeat x5 each side.

You can also do this sitting on the edge of the couch with feet on the floor.

Passive Chest Opener

  • Roll up a couple of towels and rest your shoulder blades on them. Place hands behind your head like a basket, and bend your legs.

  • Stretch your spine backwards, let your elbows fall out to the side and stay here for 10 breaths.

This stretch is NOT suitable for Mamas with an abdominal separation.

Chest Opener

In each of these stretches the focus is on breathing- once in position for your chosen stretch, try to breathe three dimensionally into your whole waist & ribcage, and relax as much as possible on your breath out. Repeat for x10 Breaths.

  • Version 1: Kneeling with your bottom rested on your heels: Stretch your arms forward, then rest your head & chest down on the floor.

  • Version 2: From the first stretch bend your elbows & place them at your upper back, lift your bottom into the air & allow your chest to sink forward to the floor.

  • Version 3: Standing, press your hands on a wall or on the kitchen counter & lean your bottom back into a squat. (Really stick your bottom out with this one.)

Book Openings

  • Lie on one side, with your head supported with a towel or pillow, legs bent & arms reaching forward.

  • Lift your top arm up, then turn your spine & chest to face the ceiling. Keep your knees together & do some breathing in the stretch.

  • Roll your spine forward & close the arms to finish. Repeat x5 each side.

Make sure not to let your arm hang off your shoulder here, think of creating width across the front and the back of your chest.